I will follow you everywhere even if your throne crumbles,
and your
shiny crown truns to rust even if the bodies pile up endlessly,
above the bottomless pile corpses Beside you as you lie softly down, I will be until
i hear the words "
check mate" !
5.07.2010,1:40 PM
usual stuffs

good afternoon:) im feeling so fresh today:) shop some groceries and housing needs with mum,mufid and dania:) well..as usual they were fooling around:) today bought some pens and whiteboard markers for me to revise later with mimi:) tomorrow will be theory sucking :s insyallah i can get through easily..AMIN:)) owh yea..i have to revise on lighting layout cos i got only 3 out of ten :s sucks?YES..i dont know how to measure the correct measurement so yes i do sucks:s anyhoo, practise makes perfect so goodluck for me:))
owh yea..tomorrow my mum's birthday..i dont know what should i buy for her..i already buy perfume and happy mothers' day keychain:) hmm..will think about it later:))